Research: constantly increasing the number of jobs associated with blockchain theme

Moon Voyager
2 min readJul 10, 2019


According to a new study, the number of vacancies in the blockchain area is constantly growing. For the first five months of 2019, almost as many vacancies were published as for the entire 2018.

Researchers at TeqAtlas analyzed open vacancies for blockchain positions. According to the data presented, in the period from 2013 to 2018 the average annual growth in the number of vacancies in the industry was 139%, and by the end of May, 2,300 vacancies were opened.

This report also presented a list of the 15 largest employers in this area. The first place was taken by the technology giant IBM, then the company Oracle, and the third place was taken by the consulting firm PwC.

Wages in this industry range from $ 17,000 to $ 271,000. Interestingly, the most highly paid specialists in the United States — their average annual salary reaches $ 105,000. This is about twice the national average salary. At the same time, blockchain specialists in Europe are offered only $ 70,000.

Software engineers are most in demand — almost a quarter of all vacancies. Also often looking for front-end engineers and risk analysts. The leader in job offers in the blockchain industry is London.

“London is the leading city for blockchain vacancies. More than a quarter of all proposals were published here. In the US, New York and San Francisco lead the way — 19% and 13% of vacancies were posted there, respectively, ”the researchers note.

Earlier, a social network to search and establish business contacts, LinkedIn reported that the skills to work with the blockchain were among the top ten for workers in the Asia-Pacific region.

